Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Poltergeist Saga

Certain events have led me to believe that a (friendly?) ghost is following me around for some reason. I'm guessing it started roughly a year ago. It used to live with me in my room at Mohyla, but it appears to have followed me all the way to Toronto, and that is dedication. Here is a (more or less) chronological list of the strange events that I've attributed to my poltergeist.

Mohyla- Saskatoon, SK

The Shower Incident
In the showers at Mohyla, they have little baskets hanging from a nail on the wall where you put your shampoo and stuff. I was just chillin', washing my hair when out of nowhere the basket fell onto the ground. It's completely possible that I accidentally hit it, but I'm fairly sure I didn't touch it. This is a little creepy because it means I have a ghost that is committing peeping tomery.

The Computer Incident
I was checking my email when all of a sudden I heard something that sounded like a faint woman's voice from the radio. It was crackling and stuff, like it was a bad station. I own a clock radio, but I never turn it on. I fumbled a bit with my radio before I realized it wasn't on. I rapidly checked all my tabs in case some internet ad was making noise, but there was nothing. I think it stopped by itself. I think I had EVP coming from my computer.

The Computer Incident Part Deux
I was listening to music when at the end of the song it just stopped. I checked my computer, but it still said it was playing, there was just no noise. Then I accidentally nudged my computer with my foot and the music started playing again.

Pitman- Toronto, ON

My Weird Feeling
You know how if you put your feet over the edge of your bed you get this uneasy feeling, like something from under the bed is going to grab your feet? When I'm on my computer I always put my feet over the edge and it's fine, except lately, I get that weird feeling like something's going to grab my feet, only my bed doesn't have an under to it.

The Swinging Hanger
This is the weirdest incident. I was on my bed watching TV when I looked up. One of my hangers was swinging really widely back and forth by itself. There were two possible explanations. One, the wind from my open window could have made it swing. But there wasn't that much wind and the hanger was swinging way too much. It looked like someone had started it swinging. Two, someone was inexplicably playing drums or something and possibly the vibrations caused it to swing, but again, it was swinging way too widely for that. It was weird.

The Falling Brush
Yesterday my brush was on my floor. It had fallen without me noticing. I put it back on my desk and went to bed. This morning, it was on the floor AGAIN. I don't remember it falling. I would have heard it if it had.

The Dream
This isn't ghosty in and of itself, but coming on the heels of everything else, it still kind of freaks me out. On Friday I napped and then I had a dream. I dreamed that I was lying in my bed, napping. I thought I was awake because I was dreaming that I was doing the exact thing I was doing when I was awake. In my dream I was sleeping on my stomach (which was the exact position I woke up in, making it WEIRDER) and someone came into my room. I sleep with my door locked so I didn't know who it was or how they got in. I thought it might be my mom so I pretended to be asleep like I usually do if I'm too tired to talk. Then I remembered I was in Toronto and she was in Sask. The person came slowly into my room and tucked my sheets into the bottom of my mattress. Then the person came over to the side of my bed and I could sense they were looking down at me. They put an arm on each side of me like my mom does sometimes if she's leaning down to kiss me goodnight or whatever. Then they just stayed there. I was scared so I went to turn over to see who it was and turning over in my dream woke me up in real life.

So I have all the facts here for your consideration. Poltergeist? Friendly ghost? My imagination? I suppose we'll never know.

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