Saturday, April 02, 2011

This Guy...This Gardner

You would think joking is not something Bats does, but it's really not that out of character for him. He's been known to be unexpectedly funny sometimes. What makes his jokes more hilarious are peoples' reactions to them...Plas is very unsettled.

PS: I have no idea why Bea is so happy to see J'onn. Do they have some kind of history I don't know about?

This seems very out of character for Etrigan (although seeing as he may be a construct from one of the Superbuddies' minds, this isn't very surprising). I feel like maybe Jason Blood took over for a second.

Etrigan speaks exclusively in rhyme, and this is hit or miss depending on the talent of the writer. Supposedly Alan Moore was the best at it, and JMS was pretty solid as well. Except for/including my favourite Etrigan rhyme EVER:

Simple and elegant, and added unexpected levity to a somewhat dark story.

In the second part of Formerly Known As the Justice League (which is called I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League), the Superbuddies find out that their neighbour is an ex-villain and is opening a bar. He mentions that he has a partner in the bar, and said partner walks into Superbuddies headquarters. There is a page of beat panels as the Superbuddies slowly turn around to see who this mysterious partner is and we see their looks of horror and shock before we see who it is. I remember thinking "This better be REALLY good, for the buildup that we're getting."

I was not let down:

I squeed so hard, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. And it wasn't just a brief guest appearance: he played a major role in the mini, and then we got to see his heart, which is what I like about Guy: he's a hilarious asshole on the outside, but he has a soft heart buried very deep inside. I think if he was just an asshole all the time, I wouldn't be nearly so fond of him.

PS: I have no idea what "This Guy...This Gardner!" is supposed to mean. Is it a pun of some sort? I can't figure it out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quincey Morris: Vampire

So, time to start this shit up again! I'll be recapping a new book entitled Quincey Morris: Vampire by P.N. Elrod.

Some backstory. This past summer I worked in a tourist centre and we sold paperbacks from the library for 50 cents each. I was flipping through them and found this book. Dracula is one of my favourite novels AND Quincey is my favourite character. I was intrigued, and then forgot about it. After that I kept thinking I should buy it but never did. I was telling my co-worker about it and she's like, "did you buy it?" and I was like, "I better make sure it's still there." So I checked and thought someone bought it. I was so sad and then found it and bought it. This book could either be really horrendous or really amusing. We shall see.

Also, it is published by Baen Books. You might recognize them as the the publisher of Ghost, which remains the only book I've recapped for this blog that I just couldn't finish.

According to the book jacket, the basic premise of the novel is that Quincey didn't really get killed after he killed Dracula...he just got turned into a vampire as well. Presumably Dracula lives somehow. But Van Helsing thinks Quincey needs to die.

Van Helsing dies.
Quincey and Mina fall in love.
Quincey and Dracula have homoerotic interactions.

Lastly, here's the cover:

Quincey's looking like some kind of bloated boy band member past his prime. Don't even have the first clue as to who that swooning woman is in the background. Mina? One of Dracula's slutty vampire brides? Vampire Lucy?

Anyway, here we go.
The book starts with a quote from Quincey basically saying that he is surprised the story of their exploits (Dracula) was so popular and that his story is just beginning.

Quincey is just waking up after dying. I have to say I already love this book by virtue of it being in first person from Quincey's POV. It always made me mad that he was the only person who never got to tell his story. Mina and Jonathan had their diaries and letters, Lucy had a diary and letters, Jack had his phonograph diary, Van Helsing had a diary or something or letters at least. Even Arthur, the most boring character, had a letter printed! Poor Quincey. He gets no love.

Wolves are dragging Quincey somewhere. He's all, "Oh yeah, this reminds me of that time in Siberia." Good to see you have time to reminisce when wolves are taking you somewhere.

One of the wolves transforms into DUN DUN DUN Dracula! But Quincey, didn't you kill him with the bowie knife you always carry for no apparent reason?

Quincey looks down a hill and sees his friends. For no real reason, Dracula grabs him by his face and slams him into a tree. Quincey wants to go there to let them kill him. Dracula's all "whatever, but don't give me away or I'll sic the wolves on them."

We find out that Dracula didn't turn Quincey into a vampire, but someone else. It also might be implied that he was a vampire before dying. So who did it? Lucy?

Also, they didn't really win their fight with Dracula. Dracula spared them for some reason. Not only that, he engineered the whole climactic fight solely so that he could talk to Quincey. All you had to do was ASK, Drac. Quincey's not scared of anything. He would have had a conversation.

So here's how Quince turned into a vampire. Quincey and Arthur were at a ball and Quincey slept with this chick and she bit him. Some of his euphemisms are kind of amusing:
"...I'd known more than one woman in my travels and came to know that each had her own path to pleasure and it was my privilege to assist her there."

Must have been some roll in the hay. Quincey has to rest the WHOLE NEXT DAY to be ready for her again.

So has Quincey then been a vampire THIS WHOLE TIME but he just never noticed? Or did he not ACTUALLY become a vampire until he died? This confuses me.

Oh, never mind, you can only become a vampire after your death. Apparently. Also, cutting Lucy's head off did nothing. And she would have been okay (granted, she would have been a vampire too) if everyone had left her alone. Man, after reading this, Dracula the book becomes really depressing.

Here's something else depressing: Drac can shapeshift and go out into the sun and control the weather and control animals and stuff. Quincey basically can't. So Dracula gets all the good vampire stuff, and Quincey gets all the bad. That's a crappy deal.

I'm also really confused as to why Dracula is helping Quincey with all this. Quincey just stabbed him. You'd think that would be the kind of thing to sour a relationship.

Quincey then muses on how he loved Lucy, which makes me think of his proposal in the book, which is my favourite fictional proposal of ALL TIME. I'm too lazy to get the book right now, but it's something like, "Why don't we hitch up to a double harness and go down the road together?"

Maybe one prediction is coming true?
[Dracula to Quincey] "But perhaps," he finally whispered, his voice so soft I barely heard, "perhaps you will tarry awhile?"
Awww, Dracula's lonely.

Friday, August 06, 2010

New Moon Recap

Sadly, I didn't even think to get screencaps. But there wasn't really much interesting to see. Anyway, here we go:

The “Summit” logo stays onscreen for about thirty seconds too long, presumably for the illiterate people in the audience. Then we have the most boring opening ever, with a moon slooooooooooowly waning until the title is visible. Strangely, though, it’s pretty emblematic of the series as a whole.
I’m not really looking forward to this.
We open with Bella running through a crowd and then ending up in a field of flowers. She sees her grandma and then Edward, wearing some kind of weird suit with a bicoloured collar. Grandma has weird black eyes. GET BACK, BELLA, IT’S A DEMON! Sorry, that’s my Supernatural training kicking in. Edward sparkles and Grandma continues to be creepy. Turns out that Grandma is Bella ALL ALONG, GASP.
It’s Bella’s birthday and Charlie, the only passable character in the franchise enters. Didn’t he play Dr. Manhattan? Now I can’t imagine him without a six foot wang.
Bella freaks out because Charlie teases her about getting old. She honestly believes that she has a grey hair.
Bella takes a picture of Angela, Mike, Jessica, and Eric. Eric says, “Don’t worry, I’m in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys.” How has no one realized that he’s gay yet?
Edward strolls in in clichéd slow-mo fashion. I can’t look at that dude and not laugh. Thankfully, he gave up the lipstick. Actual exchange:
Bella: I’m a year older than you.
Edward: No you’re not. I’m 109.
Bella: I shouldn’t be dating such an old man. It’s gross.
Wow. Watch out, Buffy, there’s a new banterer in town.
I still cannot figure out if Kristen Stewart is a really good actress since she embodies Bella so well, or if she’s a really bad actress because she plays Bella with a lot of weird tics.
Jacob strolls in and I definitely thought he had a mullet. Wait, it’s just a bad wig.
Bella: You should switch schools. Hang out with the palefaces.
Racism, kids. It’s hilarious.
Jacob gives Bella a really ugly dream catcher. I can just see the writers of this movie. “You guys…what’s a really stereotypical Native American trinket?” “Dreamcatchers!” “BRILLIANT.”
Suddenly Alice and Bella are best friends, despite them directly interacting I think once or twice in the last movie. Jasper lurks creepily. Most fans (and nonfans) of the Twilight franchise like Alice the best, but I find her grating and annoying, plus she is totally an enabler of all the emotional and physical abuse and anti-feminism rampant in the series.
Jasper’s power is creepy. He can control moods. You know what that reminds me of? Starfox, the creepiest Avenger. Starfox is basically a walking aphrodisiac who, incidentally, went on trial for sexual assault. There’s just so much coercion and force in the Twilight series, and it honestly makes me really uncomfortable.
All the girls (and Eric) in class are crying while watching Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is not romantic, you guys. Newsflash: dying for love is never romantic, it’s creepy and pathetic. Meyer for some reason thinks the fact that Edward can recite the play along with the actors is romantic. There is not a person in the world who doesn’t find that annoying. I watched HSM (I HAD TO, long story) with my cousin, who recited everything with the actors and it drove me NUTS. I watched The Breakfast Club with my friend who recited everything as well and I wanted to strangle her.
Mike’s bored face looks like mine when I watched Romeo and Juliet. The only thing that perked me up was Alan Rickman as Tybalt, and I remember being able to see his thong or something through his tights.
I totally forgot how creepy this was. Edward says that if Volchok, I mean James killed Bella, he was going to commit suicide. Yeah, because that’s not an alarm bell. Girls - if your boyfriend says he would commit suicide if you died HE IS NOT A KEEPER.
I FORGOT CHRISTOPHER HEYERDAHL WAS IN THIS. Hi Chris! Loved you on Stargate Atlantis and you were delightfully creepy on Supernatural. I’m so glad he’s getting jobs, and such a high profile one at that, but seriously? Twilight? Also the guy who played Tony Blair in The Queen plays an evil decapitating vampire.
Wow, this party the Cullens put on looks so boring. It’s just a bunch of pale people being bland. YES, Emmett is starting to be awesome. As stated in my recaps of the books, I love Emmett but ONLY because I can only think of him in terms of Emmett from Growing Up Cullen. Why are these people even buying her presents and going out of their way to do stuff for her? My sister’s had four boyfriends and my brother has had one girlfriend and I’ve never bought a present for any of them.
So anyway, Bella gets a paper cut, Jasper freaks, then she falls on some glass that I have no idea where it came from and all the vampires leave.
I’ve brought this up before, but I’ll say it again. Carlisle is talking about how he thinks vampires are damned to hell. So why did he think it was his place to turn others into vampires? If someone turned me into a vampire against my will I would be pretty fucking pissed, you know? He’s essentially playing God, and that is no one’s place. I don’t give a shit how compassionate you’re supposed to be.
They’re both crying and kissing and it’s such an emo makeout session. It hurts to watch! I just want to put on Batman: The Brave and the Bold or something and smile. At least the first movie was hilariously bad. This is just depressing and bland.
Edward explains they have to leave Forks. Evidently, Bella is a little slow on the uptake, because there’s a looooooong pause and then she’s like, “When you say we…” and Edward says “I mean my family and myself.” Yeah, you’re 109 years old and you still don’t know how to properly use pronouns.
I’m sure there’s a better way to go about breaking up with her…being a bitch and telling her that he doesn’t want her doesn’t seem like the best route. Yeah, yeah, had to prevent her from following him, whatever. Still.
Bella runs away for hours apparently, because it’s now dark, and she collapses and falls asleep. Or something.
A torso is carrying Bella veeeeeerrrrrrrry slowly. Every single Native is looking for her and by looking I mean standing over a map. There’s a guy who I’m pretty sure is a pretty famous Canadian actor, but I can’t remember where from. He’s probably from North of 60, and I’m fairly certain he showed up in Gunless.
So now Bella is sitting, greasy haired and glassy eyed, in her room while the names of the months appear. I just want to tell her to grow some balls. I am seriously offended on behalf of all womankind. Also, this is probably the most boring sequence in a film, ever, and I’m including the fifteen minute car ride at the beginning of Manos: The Hands of Fate. Bella wakes up screaming. DOES THAT HAPPEN? I mean, I’ve never dated anyone so I have no idea what it’s like to go through a breakup, but…I don’t think waking up and screaming like you lost a limb is one of the consequences.
Charlie is worried about Bella and she tells him she’s having a girl night with Jessica. They decide to go see a zombie movie. Jessica is blathering on and on in kind of an endearing way. Also, somehow Bella sees the EXACT SAME GANG from when she got attacked in Port Angeles before. I can hear Kevin Murphy: “Where are you going? We based our group on a mutual concern about where you’re going!” If you haven’t seen the Rifftrax of Twilight yet, DOWNLOAD IT. It is the best two hours you will ever spend. Bella goes over to see the gang, and Edward shows up creepily. A weird, hairy biker hits on Bella. Definitely thought it was Simon Pegg at first and I was both excited and ashamed for him.
Bella gets on a motorcycle with a random dude. YEAH, THAT’S SMART.
Bella decides that since she hallucinates about Edward when she does stupid things, she takes the logical step to do MORE stupid things.
I don’t like this feeling…but I kind of like Jacob in the second book. He’s bubbly, he’s nice, and he’s a normal teenager. Bella even turns into a more tolerable character around him. Then he turns into a date raping lunatic pretty quickly, thus ending the only bright spot in the series.
I remember being so excited that Michael Copon was going to take over as Jacob in the second movie. While Tommy was never my favourite Power Ranger, he was definitely the hottest. Then I could spend the whole movie making Power Ranger jokes. But he didn’t, and I’m back to making bad hair jokes.
I’m confused by something that just happened. Bella threw a piece of pizza…and then it changed into a wrench. Um…
Bella wakes up screaming…again. I don’t think people even do that when they have nightmares. And she’s screaming like she’s giving birth. WILL NO ONE TAKE HER TO A PSYCHIATRIST?
Wasn’t Billy Burke also in Almost Famous? How did he fall so far?
“Sometimes you’ve got to learn to love what’s good for you.” What the hell does that mean, Charlie?
Edward appears to tell Bella to stop riding the bike. Look, stopping her from getting on motorcycles with strange men, okay. But stop her from riding a motorcycle? Seriously. PS: I love motorcycles.
Jacob strips off his shirt to tend to Bella’s wound. Well, we had to create a contrived situation to get him shirtless somehow. Bella calls him beautiful. Now I’m not a guy so I don’t know…would a guy take this as a compliment? Somehow I’m thinking no.
Wow, Eric and Angela are dating. Hope you like being a beard, Angela.
Mike is so sweet and dorky. I enjoy how the actor plays him.
Mike asks Bella if she wants to see a movie and she says yes. Mike suggests a movie called “Love Spelled Backwards is Love.” Um…I think that would be Evol, but whatever. Bella wants to see a movie called Face Punch. Seriously? Are you effing kidding me? That is the best you could come up with?
Bella is buying Jacob’s ticket to see this presumably 18A movie. Um, pretty sure no one cares if a 16 year old gets in to see the movie.
Can someone please make Face Punch into an actual movie? Here’s the dialogue:
Man 1: Put your gun down.
Man 2: Put your gun down or I’m gonna blow your frickin’ head off.
Man 3: Both of you put both your guns down, or I’m gonna blow both of your frickin’ heads off.
Amazing. I kid you not, I would watch that shit in a heartbeat. I think it rivals the fake movie in Home Alone 2. “One…two…TEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Jacob comes on to Bella but she tells him not to do that because he’ll ruin everything. Jacob says he’s not going to give up which is…slightly creepy? Jacob has a sudden infusion of testosterone and threatens to put Mike in the hospital. He’s running a fever and then leaves.
Hahaha, this old Native is the best dude ever. “Bear won’t get the drop on me, Bella. My kung fu is strong.” Sometimes Twilight comes out with random hilarious lines, which both excites and confuses me.
Oh hey, Jacob cut his hair. Now I don’t have to hold back vomit when I look at him. He has a tattoo now. Jacob has an attack of Edward-itis, because all he is doing is staring, looking sullen, and telling Bella to go away. So…is he like Sampson, except his hair kept all his personality? And now that it’s gone he defaults to bland beefcake?
Spoiler: He’s a werewolf. Just ONCE I’d like to see a non-angsty person who gets superpowers and has fun with it, you know? Like Blue Beetle or J2 (both of which are GREAT comics. I highly recommend them). Because I would love it if I could turn into a werewolf at will. None of this angst shit. I would straight up just run around all day.
Bella runs into Laurent. Fashionista that he is, he is wearing a brown suit with no shirt. Did he not have a British accent before? He seems to have a Jamaican accent now. (Edit: this is incorrect.) It might be a different actor. Laurent says “I’m here on behalf of the Volturi” and I totally thought he said “I’m here on behalf of the Taur’i.” I wondered when this moved to the Stargate-verse. Then I guess it would make sense that Christopher Heyerdahl was there.
Laurent says the Volturi are going to kill her because Edward killed James. Just a heads up. Yeah, sounds like justice to me. Anyway, a blue-eyed wolf shows up and chases Laurent away.
There’s a LOT of Bella waking up in the series as a whole. You know? I remember it happening at least three times in the last movie, and this is probably the second time in this movie.
Jacob looks so dopey. He goes into Bella’s room through the window and they stare at each other and then he’s like, “…hey.” And he looks so stupid. I wish I could explain it. I was doing streeters for class and talked to this guy, who I think was 17. He was one of those really pretty guys who looked like a model. But you could tell there was nothing in his head. It’s like that.
So…once you become a werewolf, you have to go around shirtless?
Oh great, Edward again. Bella’s having a trippy dream with Jacob and Edward showing up and moving around and stuff. And she wakes up again. I should be keeping a tally.
I think it’s so hilarious how all the werewolves walk around shirtless.
Whoa, Bella shows some backbone and slaps one of the Natives, who turns into a really bad CGI wolf. And answer me this: why does Jacob put clothes ON to go to bed? Is it not traditionally the other way around?
No, I am completely serious. They walk around shirtless ALL THE TIME. I’ve never seen a more blatant display of fan service, and I watch Supernatural.
So we meet Emily. Sam imprinted on her, which means she is his true love and she has no choice in the matter. Sam attacked her when he changed. But it wasn’t his fault! It was the werewolf part!
Random werewolf dude: This chick runs with vampires!
Bella: Can’t really run with vampires.
Long pause.
Bella: Cuz they’re fast.
Don’t explain the joke, Bella.
Re: being a werewolf. Bella: Can’t you just…stop? “Have you tried…not being a mutant?”
Bella says the vampires have never killed anyone. Um, I beg to differ.
This movie isn’t even hilariously bad, you guys. It’s just boring.
I just have to say, though, that Rachelle Levebfre has the best hair I have ever seen.
They’re hunting VAMPIRES and still it manages to be the most boring thing I’ve ever seen. I need Rifftrax on this, STAT.
Bella decides to go cliff diving in her clothes. Edward shows up as a creepy hallucination. At least take off your friggin shoes before you go swimming, sheesh.
Something weird happens and Bella hits her head or something and starts sinking. Edward shows up and is also sinking. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I JUST NEED SOMETHING TO HAPPEN. THIS IS THE MOST BORING MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.
Can someone explain to me the logic of the werewolves running a fever all the time? I don’t think that’s a lycan thing…and it’s not a normal wolf thing either. It is really just an excuse for Bella and Jacob to snuggle all the time.
Taylor Lautner=bland bland bland. He’s like those hot but bland actors on the CW. Like Chad Michael Murray or Luke from the OC or the really hot guy from What I Like About You or the leading guy from The Beautiful Life (although I admit I couldn’t even get through an episode of that show, and I have a HIGH tolerance for crap).
I will admit that this movie has way more plot though, which is nice. The first movie was pretty much all “I love you…STAY AWAY” “But I love you!” until the very end when James got his head ripped off.
Bella has a phone from approximately 1965. The phone rings and Jacob answers it. Turns out it was Edward, who crushes the phone in rage. If the phone rang in my house and some guy answered it and wouldn’t tell me who it was, I would be PISSED.
Everyone’s always like, “Stay here, for Charlie” or “Don’t you care about Charlie?” Don’t they know by now that Bella doesn’t give a shit about her father?
Can I just say again how much I love Christopher Heyerdahl? I love him. I wish he had more lines. Ooh, and his voice is so delightfully creepy. He makes a great vampire.
Bella’s having a panic attack and then she takes off running. Edward starts to strip. He has weird old man loafers on. He sparkles and then Bella clings to him like a lemur.
I don’t think I laughed at all during this movie, mocking or otherwise.
Dakota Fanning, one of few bright spots in this movie. I might be the only person in the world who enjoyed Hide and Seek but it’s one of my favourite horror movies.
WTF is Edward wearing? It’s some kind of weird red robe/caftan thing. He looks like a refugee from an ashram.
Aro: May I have the honour of reading your thoughts?
Aro: Interesting. I see nothing.
Chris Heyerdahl should be a voice actor, because he changes his voice for every single role I’ve seen him in. With Stargate Atlantis, it’s very formal and noble. With Supernatural, it’s really nasal and deep. With New Moon, it’s kind of breathy and evil sounding. Between SG:A and Supernatural, the difference was so pronounced that I didn’t even realize it was the same actor until I saw it on IMDb, and even then I didn’t really believe it.
Do all vampires have to wear Italian loafers?
The future. Edward and Bella are frolicking through the forest. Edward is wearing a weirdo 1800s outfit. Bella is wearing some sort of pioneer dress. Strange choice of clothes.
Bella wakes up yet again. This movie is 80% Bella waking from nightmares.
Jasper’s had, what, two lines in as many movies?
I LOVE Emmett. I cannot stop myself falling in love with him. But it’s 99.9% because of Growing Up Cullen. I just want to make that clear.
You know what makes me unhappy? Jacob and I both have tattoos in the exact same spot on the exact same arm. Except mine is better.
Strangely, New Moon did get something right about werewolves: in folklore, they keep their human eyes. There’s your factoid of the day.
Edward asks Bella to marry him and…that’s the end.
So basically, it is nowhere near as hilarious as the first movie. In fact, it’s just soul-crushingly tedious.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Weird Dreams

I have to write down these strange dreams before I forget. First, a friend of mine (who doesn't exist in real life) was having a baby. He was a man. Then he (obviously) had to get a C-section and when they went to remove the baby, it wasn't there. It had turned into water or something (maybe this baby was Alex Mack?) and escaped. Also, the C-section involved sawing the guy's ribs, which I don't think actually happens in real life. So this baby was like a demon or meta-human or something and it was going to kill everyone. The doctors hired an army of Venoms (who were riding horses) to get rid of it. They were riding in perfect formation, and I think this occurred because I just saw Wild Ocean like a week ago and they had schools of fish moving in formation. Anyway, the Venoms couldn't catch the baby (probably because I just remember them riding in circles inside the delivery room). Then all of a sudden Batman and Catwoman were living in my house and they were babysitting. (I don't know who they were babysitting, but in retrospect I think it might have been Sin or Lian. Or Milagro?) They weren't there long, because then we switched to my second dream.

I was in France or something, except it was like a cross between Paris, Barcelona, and Toronto. I was in a Las Ramblas like place, and I kept seeing people I knew. Mrs. Halldorson came to talk to me and she asked what Tyler McLean was doing (he was there too) and I said I didn't know because I didn't talk to him. I saw Jessica too and wanted to talk to her but Mrs. Halldorson wouldn't let me leave. Then we were wandering through this tunnel like place with a bunch of different rooms. Alexis, I think, made me go into this one room which had people being hanged except they would magically escape (I was reading Mister Miracle yesterday, which might be why that happened) and everyone was cheering but I was like, "Okay, it's not that great..." Then Mrs. Halldorson and I were trying to find another room to hang out in. These rooms, as far as I can remember, involved a showing of Princess Bride 2, and when I said it probably wasn't going to be that good, an old lady rode by on a horse and carriage and was like, "IT'S A REALLY GOOD MOVIE!" and then they were showing Toy Story and I really wanted to stay in that room and everyone else with me (we had picked up an entourage apparently) agreed. That was the end.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Writing is Hard

I've been writing this one story since after my 2008 NaNoWriMo and I've given up hope that anyone will behave in the way that I want to.

Basic plot: After the rebellion in heaven, all the angels who participated were sent to hell, except one, Maya. She wants to figure out why she escaped the punishment.

She's visited by her twin, Raphael, who tells her that she can get into heaven by beheading thirteen demons. He gives her Michael's sword to accomplish this task.

She's greatly hampered in her quest, since she is being chased by angels, demons, and humans. However, she is being helped by a cranky demon named Belphegor and another demon named Caine who wants her help to get into heaven.

Okay, so. Basically, nothing is turning out the way I planned, except for Maya's personality. Such is the beauty of writing, I guess, but I would appreciate not being the last to know plot developments.

It was originally going to be a set of 13 short stories, with each demon killing being the focus of each story. That died out pretty quick as new plot developments started happening. Okay, whatever. I can live with that. Briefly, each demon was going to be a manifestation of Hercules' 12 labours (with the last one being something else I didn't decide) but then I thought it would be too difficult to make a living manifestation of, say, the Augean stables or the golden apples.

So okay, that's still fine. I can live with that.

My original plan had Maya being joined by a male PI (Jack) who was going to help her for some reason. He kept veering off character and I had to keep dragging him back on track. Eventually this was too much work and I accepted that he was going to be a huge asshole and just let him be like that. He morphed from a roguish, 25 year old PI into a balding, fortyish professor who was disgraced because of his belief in the supernatural and wanted to kidnap Maya to prove everyone wrong. In the part I'm writing right now, he is testing her endurance to pain. He electrocuted her, and now he's going to decapitate her. Yeah, I guess inside my original jerk with a heart of gold private investigator was a COMPLETE PSYCHOTIC SOCIOPATH waiting to come out.

My second plan for the male lead was to have a devil-may-care thief be her companion of sorts. That started semi-well, but then he kept wanting to be a cowardly petty criminal who wanted nothing to do with the supernatural, so eventually I gave in and let him live his life and abandoned him in France with an ex-girlfriend.

My third (and current) plan is the aforementioned Caine. He's working out so far, except I kind of abandoned him in hell. He'll be coming back soon though. My real problem with him is his name. I believe it was originally Forrest or something, then I changed it to Caine. Then I didn't like that so I changed it to Oliver. Then I didn't like that so I changed it to Will. I decided I didn't like that and changed it back to Caine, although search and replace doesn't work too well when your name is Will.

My other supporting characters are working out well though, as Raphael and Belphegor are exactly the way I wanted them to be. Particularly Belphegor, who was originally supposed to have a really small part but is becoming somewhat of an ensemble darkhorse, to me at least.

Since I keep changing things, plot lines are started and abandoned. I have at least two big things I have to go back and change because it makes no sense (because of Jack. FUCK YOU, JACK) and at least four things I have to resolve. I keep introducing characters with seemingly no purpose (Adam, the petty thief, and his ex-girlfriend, and also another demon named Abaddon who was supposed to accompany Maya, but that ended up not happening) and right now the whole story is just a series of events and one liners but no real coherent plot. I have no idea where I'm going with it. I have no idea what the ending is. I have no idea what is happening even from page to page.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mystical Happenings in Toronto

I was walking home from Labyrinth one day when I saw an open door leading to a magical candy store. I went in and it was completely deserted. No customers, no clerks. I gathered up some candy, someone showed up, and I bought it and left. Later, I was walking down Yonge with my friend and we decided to go back to the candy store. We walked almost until Bloor street, but no candy shop. Well, there was a candy shop, but not my candy shop. I walked down Yonge again some time later but I couldn't find the candy shop. I was walking down Yonge again today to get my hair cut and I found a Sugar Mountain (which is what the candy store was called) but it wasn't the same one. I am so confused. The candy store has just disappeared. I came to the conclusion that it was like Brigadoon and only shows up once every few decades or so, and I just happened to find it on the right day.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Oscar Predictions...THE RECKONING.

So it was the Oscars last night, which I did not watch (I was too busy playing Donkey Kong 3 WHICH I BEAT TODAY). I see that already one of my predictions is INCORRECT. So, let's see which (if any) I was correct about:

Best Picture
I said:
Tough to say, but it's probably going to be between Precious, Avatar, and An Education. I'm going with Avatar, since I think Precious is going to sweep the acting noms and An Education is too obscure.

Oscar said:
The Hurt Locker.

Best Direction
I said:
Tarantino and James Cameron are going to give everyone a run for their money, but I'm guessing there's going to be a dark horse victory from Kathryn Bigelow for The Hurt Locker.

Oscar said:
Kathryn Bigelow.

Actor in a Leading Role
I said:
Bridges is apparently very good in Crazy Heart, and Roger Ebert thinks he could take the Oscar, so I'm going with his decision.

Oscar said:
Yes, Jeff Bridges! I love him a lot.

Actress in a Leading Role
I said:
Carey Mulligan and Gabourey Sidibe are both getting a lot of accolades for their respective roles. I'm going to go with Carey Mulligan, because she was awesome on Doctor Who.

Oscar said:
Damn, it's Sandra Bullock. It's not totally surprising I guess. Sandra Bullock is a big name star while the other two aren't and The Blind Side was more of a mainstream movie than An Education or Precious.

Actor in a Supporting Role
I said:
I don't know who Christoph Waltz is, but Inglourious Basterds has to get something and it could be Best Supporting Actor.

Oscar said:
Christoph Waltz.

Actress in a Supporting Role
I said:
Mo'Nique for Precious, no question.

Oscar said:
Mo'Nique. CALLED IT.

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
I said:
Definitely going to be Precious.

Oscar said:

Writing (Original Screenplay)
I said:
The Hurt Locker, even though I want it to be Up. The Coens are always really good, but I don't think the movie is getting good enough reviews.

Oscar said:
The Hurt Locker.

Animated Feature Film
I said:
Up's got this tied up (ha ha ha) but there could be a surprise upset from The Princess and the Frog.

Oscar said:

Art Direction
I said:
It's going to be close between Avatar and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, but it's probably going to be Avatar.

Oscar said:

I said:
Inglourious Basterds.

Oscar said:

Costume Design
I said:
Nine is probably going to take this one, but Coco Before Chanel and the period costumes of The Young Victoria will make it a close race.

Oscar said:
The Young Victoria.

Documentary (Feature)
I said:
I have no idea what any of these are except The Cove, so we'll go with that one.

Oscar said:
The Cove.

Documentary (Short Subject)
I said:
Don't know what these are, so I'm going to pick Rabbit a la Berlin at random.

Oscar said:
Music By Prudence

Film Editing
I said:
District 9 deserves something, so we'll give it this one.

Oscar said:
The Hurt Locker.

Foreign Language Film
I said:
Ajami's the only one I've heard of, so sure why not.

Oscar said:
El Secreto de Sus Ojos

I said:
Gotta go with Star Trek and the green skinned alien babes.

Oscar said:
Star Trek.

Music (Original Score)
I said:

Oscar said:

Music (Original Song)
I said:
Seeing as Nine is a musical and it's their business to have good music, we'll go with Take It All from Nine.
But in my mind I changed it to the Crazy Heart song.

Oscar said:
The Weary Kind (Theme From Crazy Heart)

Short Film (Animated)

I said:
Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty sounds awesome, so we'll go with that.

Oscar said:

Short Film (Live Action)
I said:
I enjoy the name Fjellstrom, so let's go with Instead of Abracadabra.

Oscar said:
The New Tenants.

Sound Editing

I said:
Star Trek.

Oscar said:
The Hurt Locker.

Sound Mixing
I said:

Oscar said:
The Hurt Locker.

Visual Effects
I said:
Ooh, toughie. Avatar was stunning, so we'll go with that.

Oscar said:

Monday, March 01, 2010

Nanowrimo Chapter 4

Today Paige begins her life as a sidekick and embarks on her first job.

Chapter 4
This costume fad. It's quite annoying.
-Kingpin, Ultimate Spider Man Issue #11

The next morning I was just fixing up my makeup when there was a knock on the door. It was 11:40, and I was going to have to head over to Claire’s pretty soon. I ignored the door as I always did - it was probably for one of my roommates.
“Paige!” Cat called. “It’s for you!” Who would be at the door for me? I put on my glasses and apprehensively opened my door. It was the guy, Owen, from the party last night, awkwardly fidgeting as he waited at the door for me.
“Um…hi?” I said, still not sure why he was here. “Did you forget something?”
“My dignity,” he said. “I think I left it behind when I asked if you would be okay with the yawn and stretch.”
“Well, what happens in the dorm stays in the dorm,” I said. “Bye!” I went to close the door but he stopped it with his foot. “Yes?”
“I just really wanted to apologize,” he said. “I was kind of a douche bag yesterday, and you said you were having a bad day, and you didn’t really deserve having some drunk douche nozzle annoying you.” I checked my watch. 11:45. The limo would be here any minute. I had to get rid of this guy.
“Really, it’s fine,” I said, going to close the door again but he stopped it once again with his foot.
“I want to make it up to you though,” he said. He was almost cute in his earnestness, his bright blue eyes wide with sincerity.
“No really, that’s fine,” I said. “It was no problem at all.”
“Do you want to go to a movie sometime or something?” he asked.
“Maybe when we get to know each other when you’re not tipsy,” I said. I glanced outside and saw the black limo. “I really have to go get ready for work. Really, it’s totally fine.”
“Okay then, no worries,” he said. I closed the door and headed back to my room.
“So then our billet turned out to be this cross-dresser!” Raina was saying into her cell phone. “It was the weirdest exchange student we’ve ever hosted. My parents were uncomfortable with it, but they couldn’t very well send him back to Mexico!”
I wondered what her home life was like.

I climbed into the back of the limo and the driver nodded at me and pulled away from the curb without speaking.
“So uh…these limos can’t be very good for the environment,” I said.
“Public transit doesn’t reach Claire’s home,” he said.
“You guys should go green,” I said.
“I do what Claire wants,” he said. He sounded kind of cultish. I made a mental note to not drink Kool-Aid if offered.
The ride took about fifteen minutes and I was dropped off in front of the mansion, a retread of my steps yesterday.
“Smell you later,” I said. The driver didn’t reply. Bunch of surly people she had working for her. I wondered if Claire chose them that way. I looked up at the imposing mansion and steeled myself for encounters with both Wellesley and Claire.
I rang the doorbell and the door was answered immediately by Wellesley, almost as if he knew I was there.
“Delbert Grady!” I said. “What’s up?” Wellesley ignored me and spoke into a hidden mouthpiece.
“Miss Queen, she’s here.” I looked up to see Claire walking down the stairs like a parody of ever single teen movie with a prom that I had ever seen. She looked completely put together with dark wash jeans and a white blazer over a green camisole. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail with absolutely no loose hairs. I wondered if we would ever be close enough that I could ask her for hairstyle tips.
“Hello, Paige,” she said, a small smile on her face.
“What up,” I said. No reply. She approached me and clasped her hands in front of her.
“From this moment on, you will be maintaining a secret identity. You have to sustain a divide between the two. You have to not only physically look different - you have to act different, you have to be a different person. If they find out your secret identity, it’s over. I’ll have to wipe your memory and you go back to your boring life. Got it?”
This was sounding slightly depressing.
“Uh huh,” I said.
“We’ll start with the physical differences between your two selves,” she said. “I had a costume made for you upstairs. Follow me.” She turned and started walking briskly back up the staircase. I had to trot a little to catch up to her.
“So uh, how big is this place anyway?” I asked.
“Bigger than you think,” was her reply. Would it kill anyone to give me a straight answer around here?
“Who was your contractor, MC Escher? Because man, this is a screwy place,” I said.
“Same person who designed the Batcave,” she said.
“No way! Batman’s real?” I exclaimed.
“No,” she said.
Oh okay, then. That was a joke. A very unexpected joke. She opened a door and gestured me through. The woman who measured me yesterday was standing silently in the corner.
“What do you think?” she asked. I couldn’t speak. I was speechless. I was completely without words.
In front of me was a mannequin with my “costume” on it. I’m not even sure it was big enough to be a whole costume. It was all the same shade of dark purple. It was a bra top with two straps criss-crossing the stomach, for no purpose as far as I could tell. This was paired with the tiniest shorts I had ever seen. I’m not even sure the inseam was even four inches. Underneath the shorts were a pair of fishnets that ran into a pair of purple suede ankle boots with a three inch heel. The bandit mask was also purple and covered the top half of the mannequin’s face and went around the chin. I stared. And stared. This was not computing. I was supposed to wear that?
“Oh dear God,” I said, when I regained the power of speech. “This is possibly the most inconvenient outfit I have ever seen in my life.” Her eyes narrowed.
“I mean…wow,” I said. “I can’t wear this. This is straight out of a comic book, but the difference between Black Canary and me is that a) I’m not living in a Frank Miller comic and b) I’m a real person.”
“What’s wrong with it?” she asked.
“What’s wrong with it?” I almost laughed. “Well, let’s see. For one thing, I can’t walk, let alone run, in three inch heels. What if I have to go outside? I’ll freeze. How am I going to be a good sidekick when I’m always worried about a wardrobe malfunction? I mean, the only thing you could do to make this worse is add a strap of pouches around the thigh and tell everyone the costume was designed by Rob Liefeld. I’m not wearing this. There’s no way. No. No no. Not a chance.”
“Anything else?” she asked. I was sure it was rhetorical but I answered anyway.
“Yeah,” I said. “If you’ll notice, I don’t have the, uh…”
“Assets to fill this out. I’ll look lame. Plus I don’t have a six pack. I don’t even have a two pack.”
“Fine,” she said. She turned to the seamstress. “Bring in the other one.”
“Oh good God, there’s another one?” I asked. Claire didn’t reply and the seamstress came back shortly, pushing a mannequin on wheels.
This one was dressed in a dark purple catsuit that zipped up all the way under its chin. It was wearing purple leather gloves and purple boots with no heels that came up to mid-shin. I considered it. Okay, it was really tight and I couldn’t even begin to imagine how my rear would look. On the other hand, the boots had no heel and I was all covered. I could compromise. Besides, I had the feeling that if I rejected this one as vehemently as I rejected the first costume, Claire was not going to be happy.
“I can handle this,” I said.
“Good,” Claire said. “Because these are your only choices. Put it on.”
“Why? You took my measurements. I’m sure it will fit,” I said.
“We’re testing out your capabilities today,” Claire said. “Routine, easy stuff.” A jolt of fear ran through me.
“What, today? I don’t even get a training montage?” I hadn’t really thought as far as actually doing stuff. I felt close to panic - what if I got caught? What if I was shot? I couldn’t handle myself in a fight! I couldn’t even run very fast!
“In my opinion, the best way to learn is by doing,” Claire said. “Get dressed. I’ll be back in five minutes with someone else.”
“Someone else? To do what?” I asked. I didn’t get a reply, and Claire left, closing the door softly behind her. I turned back to the intimidating piece of spandex and leather in front of me. It took a bit of struggling, but I finally got the whole suit off the mannequin and laid it on the bed. I took off my clothes and stepped into the catsuit. I had to pull on it pretty hard to get the stupid thing over my hips and then the top half zipped up like a jacket. The zipper chafed on my chest and stomach so I pulled on my tank top and then zipped the rest of the catsuit up over top. The bottom of the collar stopped just short of my chin. I pulled the mask on over my face, and I was delighted to learn that it fit perfectly. Lastly I pulled on the boots (which were surprisingly comfortable) and the leather gloves. I moved over to stand in front of a full length mirror. My stomach protruded just slightly, but it was hard to catch unless you were staring. I turned around and looked back to view my behind. Thank God, it didn’t look that bad. I still felt like a complete tool wearing something like this, but it didn’t look as terrible as I was expecting. This suit was going to make me feel so self-conscious. As I was analyzing myself, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I said, moving away from the mirror. Claire came back into the room, trailed by yet another silent woman pushing a trolley of what appeared to be hair products.
“Sit down here,” Claire said, pointing to a chair. I obeyed. “You have very, um…memorable hair,” she said, pulling out the curly strands and letting them spring back again.
“Uh huh…” I said, not sure where this was going.
“Whenever we go out, you’ll need to change it,” she said. “That’s where Marisa here comes in.” Marisa solemnly held up a ceramic straightener. “We’re going to straighten your hair. Take it from Superman - just change your hairstyle, and no one will recognize you.”
“Sounds just dandy,” I said. It took about an hour, but I ended up with a head of stick straight hair. Marisa pulled my bangs back and fastened them at the back of my head. I put on my mask over my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look half bad. Claire gave me a pair of contacts.
“How the hell do I put these in?” I asked.
“Just put them on your eyeballs,” Claire said. “It’s not difficult.” There was a pause as I attempted to put the contacts in.
“Your codename is Violet Claw,” she said.
“But…this costume isn’t violet,” I pointed out.
“I like the way it sounds, and I like this colour,” Claire snapped.
“Okay, okay,” I said, holding up my hands. “Whatever.”
“This is a contract job,” she said. “Our client wants a rare Incan statue owned by Mr. Michael Copeland. We’re going to steal it.”
“What does it look like?” I asked.
“It looks like an Incan idol statue,” she said. “It’s a fat man sitting down, and the statue should be green.”
“That’s specific,” I mumbled.
“Mr. Copeland and his family are out of the country until next week and I possess the code to the burglar alarm. This should be just a routine job.”
“Should be?” I asked.
“Things can always go wrong,” she said. “But don’t worry about that.”
Don’t worry about it? Pretty impossible now that she brought it up.
“Here’s the plan,” she continued. “We’ll be driven to a location a few blocks from Mr. Copeland’s house. We’ll stay in the shadows and alleys all the way to the target house.”
“What if someone sees us?” I asked. I gestured to what I was wearing. “We aren’t exactly discreet looking.”
“They won’t,” she said. “We’ll enter through the back door of Mr. Copeland’s residence after entering the code for the burglar alarm. According to our client, the statue is kept in his bedroom, located upstairs. Your job is to retrieve the statue while I stay downstairs and make sure there we left no trace coming inside and check for any other alarms we may have tripped. Once you have the statue, we’ll go back out to the alley behind the house, where our ride will be waiting. Got it?”
I was starting to experience extreme fear. I could only nod. Okay, it sounded easy-ish I guess - it wasn’t rocket science, certainly - but my brain could only concentrate on what could go wrong. I could get killed. I could go to jail. Despite Claire’s assertion that she stole things for fun, I couldn’t imagine how it could be enjoyable in any way. I shouldn’t have taken the job. But I mean, it was either this or get my memory wiped, and this was less invasive. I couldn’t help thinking that my mom would kill me if she ever found out.
“Paige,” she said sharply. “Do you understand?” I swallowed, and it felt like I was ingesting a bowling ball. One of the really heavy ones that I could never lift.
“Absolutely,” I said, smiling weakly.
“Good,” she said. “Go downstairs and I’ll meet you there.” She turned without a word and left. I slowly stood up and breathed in deeply. Calm. I was calm and collected. I could do this. I would be fine.
Oh dear God, I was going to die.

Claire came down the stairs in her costume. It was a catsuit like mine, but it was unzipped several inches farther than I would have been comfortable with. It was emerald green, and her mask, unlike mine, covered the top of her head but left the bottom half of her face exposed, and it tied under the chin. She handed me a wireless earpiece with a small microphone attached, similar to a Bluetooth.
“Press this button,” she said, pointing to a button on the earpiece, “and you’ll be able to talk with me.” I put the communication device in my ear, where it fit perfectly.
“Try it out,” Claire said. I reached up and pressed the button.
“Testing, testing,” I said.
“I can hear you perfectly,” Claire said. She pressed the button on hers. “Can you hear me?”
“Roger that,” I said.
“I don’t think you used that phrase correctly,” she said. I shrugged. Claire wordlessly walked out the door and I followed. She led me to a waiting car, which surprisingly wasn’t a limo today. It was a silver, slightly dirty car.
“Watch this,” she said. She pulled something out of one of the pouches around her waist and pressed a button.
“So there’s actually stuff in the pouches!” I exclaimed. “Cool.”
“Look at the license plate,” she said. I squinted in the dim light provided by the outside house light. The license plate had changed!
“Wait…what?” I said in disbelief. “What happened?”
“When you have money, Miss Parker, you can commission anything,” she said.
“So what, do you have Q locked up in the basement or something?” I joked.
I wasn’t sure if she didn’t understand the reference or if she didn’t think the facetious question was worth replying to. In any case, she ignored me, as I was quickly beginning to discover was a recurring motif around this place.
“Every time we do a job, we change the license plate, just in case someone happens to notice what it was. Each one is registered, paid for, and perfectly legal.”
“Everything’s legal except for the little device that changes the plate on demand,” I said. “Gotcha.” Claire chose not to reply and instead climbed into the back of the car. I followed. The driver was the same one who always drove me places. I waved cheerfully and he nodded solemnly back in me. Would it kill anyone to crack a joke in this place? The seriousness was almost stifling.
“Can we listen to the radio or something?” I asked.
“No,” Claire said. And that was the end of that. You know when you’re in a constricted space with someone you maybe don’t like or someone you don’t know, and the silence is so loud it almost has mass? That’s what it was like in the car during that trip. The silence was ringing in my ears and I had the incredible urge to break it with a comment. Objectively, I knew that would be a bad idea, as anything said out of a panic to end an awkward silence was sure to be stupid. And yet I went and spoke anyway.
“Have you and Hurricane ever, uh…” I trailed off as Claire slowly turned to look at me. Well, I had to finish now. “Ever, um…had a thing?” Claire didn’t move her cool eyes from me. I immediately regretted speaking.
“Why do you say that?” she asked.
“Well uh, Batman had an on-again off-again thing with Catwoman, and um, in All-Star Batman and Robin Superman had a thing with Wonder Woman who was kind of, uh…” -I almost said “a bitch”, but then thought better of it - “Strong willed. So um…yeah,” I finished awkwardly.
“You’re basing an assumption on the fact that you once read it in a comic book?” she asked.
“No,” she said. “I have never had a thing with Hurricane.” And that was the end of that scintillating conversation. We rode in complete, total, and awkward silence for the rest of the ride.
“I’ll drive around town and then park in the back alley in twenty minutes,” the driver said.
“Thanks Hoke!” I said.
“You used that one already,” he said.
“I don’t know any other chauffeurs,” I admitted. The chauffeur had let us out right beside a deserted park. Claire quickly moved into the shadows and I followed her, trying to mimic her quick, gliding movements and failing. I felt like an elephant trying to mimic a panther. My earpiece crackled and Claire’s voice came through, causing me to jump about a foot in the air.
“Paige,” she said. “You’re going to have to move faster.”
“Or you can move a little slower!” I hissed. I looked up to see where she was. She was about twenty-five feet in front of me and was waving me over impatiently. I ran, trying my best to stay in the shadows, and stopped beside her. I tried to hide my heavy breathing. Claire, as always, was completely self-possessed.
“The park leads out to a back alley,” she said, pointing. “It’s lined with trees, so we shouldn’t be seen.”
“Shouldn’t be,” I said. “But there’s always a possibility?”
“Of course there’s always a possibility,” she said. “Nothing is a hundred percent. There’s always an element of risk.” I could sense this is what she found so attractive about stealing. For me though, it was the worst part. “Let’s go.” Claire darted into the alley and kept near to the trees. I had the uncomfortable feeling that came from being out of my depth, but there was nothing else to do but follow Claire to the house. Finally she scaled a small, decorative fence, and dropped into the Copelands’ backyard. I failed on my first attempt at climbing the fence, but semi-succeeded on my second, falling on my back as I dropped to the ground. Claire looked at me with barely concealed disgust.
“What?” I asked, getting up and dusting myself off.
“Paige, please try to remember that you’re representing me, representing Siege Spinner, whenever we do a job. It doesn’t reflect well on my reputation when you look so clumsy and awkward.” I bristled.
“Well, Siege Spinner, if we’re doing our job right, no one will see us, so I think your reputation as a lowlife is secure,” I snapped. Claire narrowed her eyes and almost stomped over to where I was sitting.
“What did you call me?” she asked quietly, icily.
“Siege Spinner?”
“You called me a lowlife,” she said. “I am not a lowlife. If you say that to me again, you will be severely injured.” The look in her eyes was almost as scary as the possibility of going to jail. I believed her that she would hurt me if I got her mad again. Since she could probably kill me with one hand tied behind her back, I shut up and followed her to the house.
Claire went to the burglar alarm on the outside of the house and punched in a code. She pulled some kind of silver gun - it kind of resembled a nil gun - out of the holster at her hip. It had a long, thin, silver needle coming out of the end, and she put that into the lock of the door.
“Lockaid lock release gun,” she explained. “It worked on almost every pin tumbler lock. It used to be available only to law enforcement, but now you can get it pretty much anywhere on the internet.” I nodded, for lack of any reply. There was a click, and she pushed the door open. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the lack of light. Claire handed me a small pair of goggles. “Night vision,” she said. I put them on and everything took on a greenish tinge. I felt like I was in a Paris Hilton video.
“Where were you keeping these?” I asked.
“Ever hear of hammerspace?”
I didn’t ask.
“I’m going to stay here and make sure there aren’t any silent alarms,” Claire said. “You go upstairs and find the statue.”
“What if there are alarms upstairs?” I asked.
“In my experience, they’re always on the ground floor,” she said. “You’ll be fine. It’s in his bedroom.”
“Okaly dokaly,” I said. The stairs were right behind me and I slowly climbed them, feeling as if things were going to jump out of the shadows at me.
“Stay away from the windows!” Claire hissed.
“Got it,” I called back. The top of the staircase led to a hallway with about four rooms. The first one was a bathroom. I didn’t even bother looking. The next room was a bedroom, but it didn’t look lived in. I assumed it was a guest room. I did a quick scan, but there was nothing that looked like an Incan statue. However, the next room looked like a lived in bedroom. I could dimly see an unmade bed and a night table with a book on it. On the dresser was some kind of figurine that could be what I was looking for. I went over and picked it up. It looked like some kind of sitting man. I couldn’t tell whether it was green or not through the goggles, but I guessed this was the statue. I picked it up to bring it to Claire to confirm its authenticity, but just as I picked it up I was tackled my a large, dark object. The statue dropped out of my hands as I fell and rolled across the floor, coming to a stop when it hit the wall. My goggles flew off in the fall but thankfully, my mask remained intact. Whoever tackled me sat on my back and pinned my arms to the floor.
“I don’t think that’s yours, is it?” my attacker said.
“Aw, nuts,” was all I could think of to say.

Mini Nano

So Screnzy is next month, and my plan was to adapt this year's NaNo into a movie script. Only problem, I'm not really done. I wanted to have at least 80K for this NaNo, and I'm going to do that in one epic month! I'm toning it down a little (I AM a student, after all) and going for a thousand words a day. This will (hopefully) give me a total of 82, 490 words, just in time to start Script Frenzy. I'll be updating here, so give me some more incentive to finish. It's surprisingly hard to stick to a goal when you don't have constant updates and other people going through the same thing with you, but I will succeed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nano Chapter 3

Here's chapter 3 of this year's magnificent nanowrimo. In today's installment, Paige meets her mysterious future employer, Wellesley is mean again and strangely childish, and Paige has a conversation with a drunk guy.

Chapter 3

I’m the goddamn Batman.
-Batman, All-Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder, Issue #2

I was inside a completely white room. This must have been what it was like to be in a mental asylum. I couldn’t even see where the walls met the ground, making for a very disorienting feeling. A white envelope was lying on the ground and I didn’t even notice it at first until I saw the writing on the front, the black of the calligraphy contrasting sharply with the white of the floor. I picked up the envelope and ripped it open, letting it fall to the floor. There was another card with the words Escape from this room on it. Nothing else. Just escape. How I was supposed to do that without doors or windows, I wasn’t really sure.
Someone, I assumed Ella, started pounding on the door. Of course! Why not just go back? But then how would I move forward? The question sounded existential, but it was irritatingly felicitous for my situation.
I turned back to the door through which I had just emerged and turned the handle. Locked. What the hell? I took the key from my pocket where I had stashed it, and turned it in the lock. Nothing. How was it possible that the door locked from both the outside and the inside? What kind of locksmith voodoo was this?
I gave up and put the key back in my pocket. I wasn’t sure why - I probably wouldn’t need it in an emergency. But who knows? In video games, things you pick up are always useful later. Ella paused in her assault of the door but soon attacked with renewed force.
“Hey!” I barked. “I can’t open the door! So shut up so I can think!” It didn’t help. I tried to ignore the thumps and concentrate on the task at hand. If these annoying little “challenges” were anything to go by, this job consisted solely of finding doors where you thought there were none. Just like in the laser tag challenge, I walked the perimeter of the room, feeling the walls for cracks or buttons, but there was nothing. My eyes started to hurt from the constant whiteness of it all, and I wished I had snow goggles.
Then came the floor. I crawled around the room on hands and knees, feeling for some sort of invisible manhole or something. Nothing. This was proving more difficult than I thought. I stood in front of the wall and kicked it.
“Dammit!” I exclaimed, hopping backward on one foot. I was so stupid. What was I supposed to do, punch a hole through the wall? There had to be a way out of the room, but I had no idea how to go about finding it. There weren’t any doors as far as I could tell. What exactly was I missing?
It didn’t take long for me to give up. I sprawled myself out in the middle of the floor like a starfish.
“Jeremiah was a bullfrog…” I started. “Was a good friend of mine…”
I paused.
“I never understood a single word he said, but I helped him to drink his wine. And he always had some mighty fine wine.” I stood up and simultaneously got louder.
I paused. There was nothing. I’m not quite sure what I was expecting.
I didn’t know what else to do. So I kept singing, hoping that maybe someone was listening and they would be so annoyed that they would let me out just to make the singing stop. I hoped that person would be Wellesley.
“Be quiet!” a voice, unmistakably Wellesley’s, yelled. I jumped, as if it was the voice of Jigsaw emanating from the ceiling.
“I HAVE A VERY LARGE SONG REPERTOIRE!” I yelled, looking around to see if I could find out where the voice was coming from. “HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHOW TUNES?”
A door slid up in the side of the wall and Wellesley stepped through it, entirely unamused.
“Hey, buddy!” I said. “What’s up?”
“You are the most irritating human being I’ve ever come across,” Wellesley said.
“And yet, I’m the only one to make it through, aren’t I?” I grinned. “Doesn’t that just make you want to throw things?”
“Follow me,” he said, gesturing unenthusiastically into the next room. I started walking across the room.
“So, uh, do you guys have some kind of pathological aversion to normal doors with hinges?” I asked. He didn’t answer. “’Cause, uh, I notice that there are all these slidey doors and stuff. None of them really have any doorknobs. Except for that one back there, and that door locks from both sides. How in the world did you manage that, by the way? I mean, doors don’t work that way-”
“Has anyone ever forcibly told you to be quiet?” Wellesley asked. “Because I’m very close to doing so.”
“Aw, but you can’t bring yourself to, can you, Wellesley?” I said. “That’s so sweet.”
“Wait here until she wants you,” he said, exiting back through the white room. I was in a lush carpeted room with two arm chairs against the wall. What the hell was this place?
I sat down in one of the armchairs and slouched down comfortably. I jumped up as a door to the adjoining room opened and someone said, “Come in.” Pulse picking up, I stepped into an office of some sort. The carpet was a deep red, and the walls had wood panelling - mahogany, I believed. There were tasteful paintings on the wall and I dark red wooden desk dominated the space. Sitting behind it was a woman. She had long, impeccably straightened hair and long bangs pulled back, forming a perfect bump of hair that not even a Bump-it could hope to achieve. Her fingers were long and thin and ended in perfectly shaped nails. She had bright blue eyes and a button nose. She looked, dare I say it, cute, but she had an outward coldness that suggested she could break all my fingers and not feel any remorse. She was like a perfectly formed ice sculpture. I went ahead and sat in the chair opposite her. Her eyebrows raised at the impropriety - I assumed she was the kind of girl who wanted people to wait for her permission, but I wasn’t the type to wait until someone told me what to do.
“Is someone finally going to tell me what’s going on here?” I asked.
“Miss Parker,” she said. Her voice was cool and slightly husky. “Tell me how you got to this point?”
“Well, I was born to a university professor and a non-fiction author…” I started.
“I don’t want your life story,” she snapped. “How did you pass the challenges?”
“I’m assuming you were watching, like some kind of creepy voyeur,” I said. Her eyes narrowed but she didn’t lose her composure. I had the feeling that she hadn’t let her emotions run unchecked in a very long time, possibly forever.
“I want to hear it from you,” she said. She leaned forward and clasped her hands on the table. I sighed.
“So for the redonk laser tag challenge, I took off my vest so that I couldn’t get shot, and if my vest happened to get shot ten times, they wouldn’t be able to find me.”
“Why did you do that?” she asked.
“Because I knew I would never win otherwise,” I said.
“Without cheating,” she said.
“Yeah,” I said. “Anyway. For the weird water challenge, I swam across the pool.”
“But the note said not to touch the water,” she said. “Why did you swim it?”
“Because there was this insane gymnastics champion chick there! I knew she would beat me unless I swam across the pool. I would never have caught up to her if I had to follow her on the ropes.”
“And you didn’t stop to think that that could get you disqualified?” she asked.
“Look, you said complete the challenges to get to the end. I did that. If you didn’t like it, well, I didn’t have to take the job. It didn’t matter to me either way.”
“So you’re willing to cheat,” she said bluntly.
“If there’s no other way,” I said.
“Interesting,” she said, leaning back in her chair. “And what about the third challenge?”
“What, you mean that white room was a challenge?” I asked.
“You had to escape,” she said. “That’s what the card said.”
“I didn’t escape though,” I said. “Wellesley let me out.”
“So you escaped.”
“I guess, technically…”
“How did you do it?”
“Well, I tried to find any hidden doors or windows but I couldn’t find any,” I said. “So I gave up and started being as annoying as possible.”
“Have you ever committed a crime, Miss Parker?”
“Crimes against fashion,” I said. “I wore these Uggs once…” I shuddered. “Terrible.”
“Have you ever broken in anywhere? Shoplifted? Vandalism?”
“Sure, hasn’t everyone done vandalism at one time or another? I threw rocks at street lights. Every twelve year old has,” I said.
“Would you be averse to committing a crime?” she asked. I frowned.
“Okay, what exactly is going on here?” I asked, getting progressively more and more frustrated. “This is for a job as an assistant, right? What’s with all the crazy challenges and the weird questions? Would it kill you to just be straightforward?”
Her questions suddenly went in abeyance as she eyed me analytically.
“Do you know who I am?” she asked.
“Should I?” I asked. “I mean, you seem to be some kind of childlike sociopath, what with the laser tag and the challenges and everything.” She smiled, but her eyes remained cold and hard.
“My name is Claire Queen,” she said.
“Oh right, right!” I said. “Claire Queen. Queen Corporation.”
“So you know who I am?” she asked.
“Everyone does,” I said. Claire Queen was consistently on lists of the top whatever richest women in business. I wasn’t quite sure what her company did, but she was one of the richest women - richest people - in Arrington. Curiouser and curiouser. “So if you’re Claire Queen, one of the most powerful women in Arrington, what are you doing here with this whole big contest thing?”
“Have you heard of Siege Spinner?” she asked.
“Yeah, she’s that masked thief or whatever,” I said. I wasn’t sure if I was just being slow but I had no idea what all these disparate elements had in common - the job offer, Queen Corporation, Siege Spinner…I just couldn’t seem to make it make sense in my head, no matter how hard I tried.
“What if I was to tell you that I - the head of Queen Corporation - was actually Siege Spinner?” she said.
“Um…I would wonder why in the world you were robbing banks when Queen Corporation has made you a millionaire,” I said.
“Have you ever experienced the rush of being in danger?” she asked.
“Once,” I said. “My sister burped in my face. I thought I was going to die.”
“You can’t understand the rush of it until it happens to you,” she said, ignoring my response. “Crime…satisfies me.”
“And since you’re rich, you can escape from any potentially sticky situations,” I said. “Of course. That makes sense.”
“So you’re not scared,” she said.
“Of what, you?” I asked. “Is there a reason I should be? You steal things. I have nothing you want. Plus, I’ve been in your mansion for a few hours now, and you haven’t done anything to me yet.”
“You know, you’re rough around the edges,” she said. “You have your own mind. And you’re brave.”
“Stop it, I’m blushing,” I said sarcastically.
“I’m not sure if those traits will turn out to be an asset or a downside,” she said. “But I’m going to offer you the job anyway.”
“But what exactly is it?” I asked. “Something to do with Queen Corporation? And why exactly did you tell me that you’re Siege Spinner?”
“You’re so slow,” she said. “We’ll have to fix that. I want to offer you the job of villain support. To me.”
“Villain support?” I said slowly. “You mean…a sidekick? Like Robin?”
“I despise the word sidekick,” she said. “Villain support.”
“You want me to turn to a life of crime,” I said. “Exactly how much are you paying me to leave ethics behind?”
“Look, if you’re so worried about your morals, you don’t have to accept the job. You can walk out of here. Of course, you know who I am so…”
“So you’re going to kill me if I refuse?” I said. “You know, I think I can go to the Labour Standards with this…”
“I’m not going to kill you, you idiot,” she snapped, dropping her perfect poise. “I’m just going to…wipe your mind a little.”
“Wipe my mind a little?” I exclaimed. “Is that like being a little pregnant?”
“Don’t be a child,” she said. “Just your memory of the last few hours.”
“That’s a little invasive, don’t you think?” I said. “And where in the world did you get memory wiping technology? The men in black?”
“I have money,” Claire said. “Lots of it.”
“I won’t tell anyone who you are,” I said. “Pinkie swear.”
“Ah, but I can’t be too sure of that,” Claire said. “A woman in my position can’t be too careful. You understand.”
“What happens if I leave right now, dodge Wellesley, and get to the outside world? I can take you down in a second.”
“Really?” she said, raising an eyebrow. “I’m richer than half of Arrington put together. Do you know what I could do to you with that amount of money?”
“Lock me in a room with it and force me to swim through it, Scrooge McDuck-style?”
“If you somehow manage to escape from here, you’ll never be able to do anything to me. I can take anything you decide to throw at me.” I paused.
“Why would you go through all this effort, risk detection by wiping a bunch of memories - because I’m assuming everyone who went home forgot they came here - just to get a side- villain support?”
“I can do anything I want,” she said. “And you’re rapidly running out of time. What’s your answer?”
“Wait, wait, wait,” I said. “I have a few questions.”
“Fine,” she said. “What are they?”
“How much am I getting paid. Is it salary or like, commission, or…?”
“You’ll get a cut of what we get,” she said. “It will start fairly small…”
“You said ‘high wages’!” I protested.
“…But it will increase once I see how helpful you are to me,” she said.
“How dangerous is this? Like, will I die?”
“You’ll be robbing banks and prominent people,” Claire said. “They have guards, dogs, and alarms. What do you think?”
“So I can get killed,” I said.
“There’s always a risk,” Claire said. “Are you going to let that stop you?”
For the first time, I was actually interested - dare I say it, almost enthusiastic - about something. The element of danger definitely appealed to me. Growing up, I had the most boring life imaginable. Nuclear family, no deaths, not even any normal school drama. Maybe my apathy towards life was a by-product of never having anything to care about. And now things were starting to get more exciting, and I found it difficult not to get caught up in everything. Objectively, I knew that I could die. Objectively, I knew it was a stupid idea - if I went to jail, my mom would kill me. But I couldn’t deny that the glamour, the danger, the excitement of a criminal lifestyle was very attractive. Plus…money. And I didn’t want my memory wiped, of course.
“Okay, yeah, whatever,” I said. “I’ll do it.” She smiled slowly, languorously, like a cat. Would I regret this later? Tough to tell.
“Great,” she said. “I’ll send Wellesley and some others to pick up your stuff and you can move into the mansion.”
“Hey, whoa now,” I said. “That’s not happening.” Claire’s expression hardened.
“What exactly are you saying?” she asked.
“Look, Claire, or Siege Spinner, or whatever. I have a life. I have school. I have a place to live. I’m not putting everything on hold for you.”
“That wasn’t part of the deal!”
“What are you talking about?” I almost screamed in frustration. “There was no deal! You gave us no information about this was! In fact, you lied about it. Assistant my ass! And you’re getting mad at me for not being able to read your mind and somehow divine all these conditions?”
“You’re in school?” she said quietly.
“Is that going to be a problem?” I asked.
“You didn’t tell us this,” she said, her voice even.
“You didn’t ask,” I said. “Is this going to be a problem?”
“What are your days like?” she asked.
“I’m out be three every day,” I said.
“I’m assuming you don’t have much of a social life-”
“-so this shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
She stood up and came around the desk so that she was standing beside me. “Stand up,” she said.
“It’s two words,” she said. “You really need me to define them?”
“Ha, ha,” I said sarcastically. “Why should I stand up?”
“Just do it,” she said.
“Like Nike,” I said, sighing. I got up and she looked me up and down. “Um…I feel a little uncomfortable…” She snapped her fingers, and an older lady holding a tape measure walked in and started measuring different parts of my body.
“Um…what is this for?” I asked.
“You need to have a costume, of course,” she said.
“Of course,” I said. The lady finished and silently left.
“I’m going to need you back here tomorrow at around midnight,” Claire said. “That’s all.”
“How do you know you can trust me?” I asked.
“Are you saying I shouldn’t?” she asked.
“I’m saying if you want to keep something a secret, maybe you should be more careful.”
“I’ve managed this long,” Claire said. “I know what I’m doing.”
“I don’t know how to get to your place,” I said, changing the subject. “If you’ll recall, I rode here in a limo with tinted windows.”
“Then you’ll get here the same way,” Claire said. “Someone will be waiting outside your home with a limo. You’ll be here at noon. Don’t make the driver wait.” Claire snapped her fingers again and Wellesley appeared. What, did everyone in the place have superhuman hearing? Were they just standing around waiting for Claire to snap her fingers? And did they have some kind of telepathic powers to enable them to figure out which one she was calling with a snap of her fingers? Or did they orchestrate the whole thing just to intimidate me? I couldn’t even begin to guess at Claire’s motives.
Wellesley gestured with quick, brusque movements to me to follow him. I followed him back out into the waiting room. He stood in one spot and I went beside him.
“Wellesley, old buddy?” I said. “Can I get out of here?” Wellesley didn’t answer and the floor shuddered and started slowly descending. Well, not the whole floor. A little square about six feet by six feet started moving downwards, like a little dumbwaiter.
“So…how long have you worked for Claire?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence. Wellesley didn’t say anything.
“Hey,” I said. “Baptistin. What’s up with the silent treatment?”
“I would much prefer it if you refrained from speaking at all,” Wellesley said, looking down his nose at me.
“Listen, buddy, I’m not appreciating the attitude,” I said. “I haven’t done anything to you, and yet you immediately decide that you hate me. Well I’m going to be around for awhile, so you better deal with that.” Wellesley suddenly leaned down so that his face was inches from mine.
“Just because Claire chose you doesn’t mean that you and I have to be friends,” Wellesley said. “I’ve been in her employ for a lot longer than you have. If it comes down to the two of us, you’ll be out of there.”
“Lurch, it’s not a competition,” I said. “You’ve got a little crush on Claire, whatever. It’s not like I’m going to come in between you guys.”
“I do not have a crush on Claire,” Wellesley said. “I just think you’re a little snot.”
“Ooh, my innocence,” I said sarcastically. “You better find a way to deal with me, Wellesley. I’m not leaving.”
“There’s the door,” he said, gesturing. The dumbwaiter had stopped in the downstairs waiting room while Wellesley and I were arguing.
“Well, obviously, I’m leaving now,” I said as I realized that I was, in fact, leaving. ‘But I’m not leaving this job!” I headed for the door. “See you tomorrow, Wellesley!”

When I got back to my room, I heard voices inside. Not a good sign. I opened the door and was assaulted by noise. Cat had evidently decided to invite a bunch of people to our place for a party. Just lovely. I dropped my bag in my room and ventured out to the living room. If I wasn’t going to get any sleep, I may as well join the party, even though that was completely not what I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was go to bed and process everything. My roommates were making that impossible.
Indeterminate club music blared from someone’s iPod, which was hooked up to some speakers. Everyone in the apartment was crowded around a beer pong table, cheering and laughing. No one seemed to notice my return, which was fine.
I found vodka in the kitchen and mixed myself a drink. I thought that after the day I had, I needed one. I wandered into the living room and stood against the wall. Why was I here? I hated parties. They bored me. Why wasn’t I in my room with my earplugs in?
“Having fun?” someone yelled in my ear over the music. I jumped, spilling a little bit of my drink on my shirt. Great. I looked over at the intruder of my personal space. He was tallish with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He had a round baby face and soft features. He was wearing a sky blue t-shirt and faded jeans and was holding a beer.
“Tons,” I said laconically, hoping if I didn’t talk much he would go away.
“I can tell,” he said, after a pause. He grinned impishly. “I’m Owen.”
“Uh huh,” I said. I took another drink. Damn. I mixed the vodka too strong.
“Usually you’re supposed to reply with your name,” Owen said. The ping pong ball escaped from the semi-drunk people surrounding the table and hit the wall between my head and Owen’s head.
“Is that so,” I said. “How about you guess.”
“Make me work for it,” he said. “Okay, I’m okay with that. Hortense? No? Henrietta? Um…Douglas?”
“Douglas?” I said. “Really?”
“There are some crazy unisex names these days,” he said. “Anne Rice’s real name is Howard.”
“Paige,” I said.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“My name,” I said. “It’s Paige.”
“I’ll just call you Hortense,” he said.
“You can call me Paige or I’ll break your finger,” I said sweetly.
“Not into the flirting so much, okay,” he said. “That’s fine. How’s your night going so far?”
“Terrible,” I said. “I just got this crazy new job and then I come home to find strangers in my apartment. I’m never going to get to sleep tonight.”
“You can come sleep in my room tonight…I’m sorry, that was very…whoa,” he said, without taking a breath between the two thoughts. I wasn’t sure if this Owen person was this verbose all the time, or if he was just nervous at being in a social situation. I wasn’t quite sure how to reply to him. “What kind of job?”
“Holy non sequitur, Batman,” I said. “It’s a…” How should I put this? “Job as an assistant.”
“That’s exciting, very exciting,” he said. “To who?”
“I believe it’s ‘whom’,” I said.
“Pardon me?”
“Whom,” I said. “Not who. Whom.”
“Huh,” he said. “Let me guess - English major?”
“History,” I said. “Close enough.”
“How is that close enough?” he asked.
“We both write a lot of essays,” I said.
“Let me ask you a question, Miss Paige, to see if we can really be friends,” Owen said.
“This sounds serious,” I said. “Shoot.”
“How would feel right now if I did the yawn and stretch?”
“How drunk are you right now?” I asked.
“I will not lie - I’m a bit tipsy,” he admitted. “But that just makes me more charming, yes?”
“That just makes you more charming, no,” I said. “But to answer your question, if you did the yawn and stretch, I would probably get freaked out and leave.”
He nodded, thinking. “So…no yawn and stretch.”
“No yawn and stretch.”
“I’m gonna go to bed,” he informed me.
“Good for you,” I said.
“Could you maybe walk me to my room? You know, just to make sure I don’t get mugged on the way,” he said.
“I’m sure the dorm is completely safe, but yes, I would love to walk you to your room,” I said. “Come on.” I led the way out of the room, with Owen drunkenly stumbling his way behind me.
“My room is on the fourth floor,” Owen said. Two floors above mine. I started up the stairs.
“So, Owen,” I said. “What’s your major?” I didn’t particularly care, but I didn’t like the awkward silence.
“Journalism,” he said.
“Hmm,” I said. “Interesting.”
“This is my room,” Owen said. He got his keys out and turned around to face me.
“So…” he said, slurring just a little bit. “This is the part of the date where I kiss you.”
“This isn’t a date and you aren’t going to kiss me,” I said. “Good night, Owen.”